Subaquatic Soundscapes
  • Video Installation, HD 14 min.
  • Time: 2019

Exhibition view, “Octopus Encounters: An Immersive Library of Octopus Aesthetics” at Glasmoog, Cologne, DE, in cooperation with Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart, AU
Exhibition view, “Octopus Encounters: An Immersive Library of Octopus Aesthetics” at Glasmoog, Cologne, DE, in cooperation with Plimsoll Gallery, Hobart, AU

The video installation combines documentation of animal resistance and transgression, which I collected in South Korea and China at “wet markets,” with underwater footage of aquariums and “noise pollution” in the seas. Some of these recordings were made by me at the Noryangjin Fish Market in Seoul, South Korea. The other part I received from scientists who use such recordings of underwater noise for animal experiments in aquariums.