Pascal Marcel Dreier listens to and narrates more-than-human stories. 

They combine aspects of aesthetic research with activist, forensic, and ethnographic methods, employing a multitude of media such as 3D laser measurement data, artificial intelligence, bones, game engines, and experimental film and sound. Pascal co-founded the NGO TRACES Studio for Creative Investigation (Berlin) and is a member of Minding Animals Germany. They studied media & fine art, film & sound, and visual communication in Vienna, Stuttgart, Schwäbisch Gmünd, and Cologne, as well as Art & Ecology at Goldsmiths College, London. 

Pascal is assistant professor of Multispecies Storytelling at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne and teaches, talks, and holds workshops at universities and art institutions internationally, among them the University of Cambridge, University of Western Australia, University of Siegen, and Köln International School of Design (KISD). 

● 2024 ‘CRAZY ABOUT MEAT’, Museum Brot und Kunst, Ulm, DE 
● 2025 ‘STAY VANISH BECOME’, Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz, AT
● 2023 ‘DE PROFUNDIS’, Städtische Galerie Sindelfingen, DE ● 2022 Talk to me: Other Histories of Nature, Temporary Gallery, Köln, DE ● At the Edge of Safehouse, Safehouse, London, UK● 2021 ‘Live Stock / Live Animals’, KHM Open, Cologne, DE ●2020 ‘OCTOPUS ENCOUNTERS: An Immersive Library of Octopus Aesthetics’, Glasmoog, Cologne, DE ● ‘Perron Art Price’, Stadt Galerie Frankenthal, DE ● 2019 ‘Goodbye Cruel World, it’s Over’, Weltkunstzimmer Düsseldorf, DE ● ‘Animal Ludens’, Next-Level Festival for Games, Zollverein Essen, DE ● ‘Practices of Approximation’, Temporary Gallery, Cologne, DE ● ‘we, animals:  multispecies narrations’, MEINBLAU Berlin, DE ●

● Dreier, Pascal Marcel, and Claudia Paganini. Eco Art als Ego Art? [Spiritualität zwischen Egoismus und Engagement], in: Datterl, Monika / Guggenberger, Wilhelm / Paganini, Claudia (eds.): Wofür es sich zu leben lohnt. Zum Verhältnis von Ethik und Spiritualität (theologische trends 32). Innsbruck: Theologische Fakultät 2022, S. 113-129.
● Dreier, Pascal Marcel. Closure of Openings, in: Jessica Ullrich, Frederike Middelhoff (eds.): Tierstudien Tiere und Migration [Animal Studies: Animals and Migration] 19/2021. Berlin, Neofelis, 2021.
● Dreier, Pascal Marcel, and Thomas Hawranke. Capturing the Wild: Virtuelle Pferde im Computerspiel Red Dead Redemption 2 [Capturing the Wild: Virtual Horses in the Computer Game Red Dead Redemption 2], in: Jessica Ullrich, and Stefan Rieger (eds.): Tierstudien Tiere und/als Medien [Animal Studies: Animals and/as Media] 18/2020. Berlin, Neofelis, 2020.
● Blöß, Janine, Ute Hörner, and Mathias Antlfinger (eds.) Goodbye Cruel World, It’s Over. Erdlingsgeschichten. Verlag der KHM, 2020.

● Minding Animals Germany
● Multispecies Studio
● German Society for Media Studies
● German Ethnographic Society
● OktoLab

● Multispecies Storytelling, Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) ● Installation Art, KHM ● Interspecies Worldmaking, Köln International School of Design (KISD) ● Artistic Design, University of Siegen ● Digging—Methods Lab, KISD ● History and Theory of Design, HMKW 

2021–2022: MA Art and Ecology (Distinction), Goldsmiths, University of London
2016–2021: MFA Media and Fine Art (Distinction), Academy of Media Arts Cologne
2019: Cross-Disciplinary Strategies, University of Applied Arts Vienna
2015–2016: Film & Sound, University of Applied Sciences Dortmund
2014–2015: Visual Communication, University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd
